Boycott those air lines are starting to believe they are above the law

  • Boycott those air lines are starting to believe they are above the law

    Posted by Nigel Brown on 6 April 2021 at 3:22 am

    Disturbing video from on board a Spirit Airlines flight out of Florida shows a flight attendant trying to kick a Jewish family off the plane because their toddler wouldn’t put on a mask while eating.

    Three short videos that made the rounds on Twitter on Monday show a masked flight attendant talking to the pregnant mother and the father wearing a Jewish skullcap, demanding they take their things and go for being in violation of the mask policy.

    The girl, who sat in her mother’s lap, wasn’t wearing a mask while eating her yogurt. Eating is exempt from the mask mandate.

    “We’ll have to deplane the aircraft and call the police,” the attendant can be heard telling the family, explaining that “the pilot wants you off.”

    “I’m not getting off this plane,” the mother is heard saying in the second video, asking other passengers to help her put a mask on her “screaming toddler.”

    According to Yossi Gestetner from the Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Council, who shared the videos, the mother is seven months pregnant, the toddler is two years old, and the family also had a seven-year-old son with special needs on board.

    “Everyone was ordered off” during the dispute, said Gestetner.

    What happened next isn’t exactly clear, but the third video shows the father saying the family was back on board, without the cabin attendant.

    Legally you have to comply with an instruction from the flight crew, but these crews are acting like they are above the law, judge, jury and executioner and that should not be tolerated.

    Nigel Brown replied 3 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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