BoJo’s latest lockdown order spurs mass exodus to provinces from London

  • BoJo’s latest lockdown order spurs mass exodus to provinces from London

    Posted by Nigel Brown on 20 December 2020 at 11:09 am

    Londoners took PM Boris Johnson’s announcement of a Covid-19 lockdown for the Christmas holiday as their cue to flee London, in doing so, perhaps achieving exactly the opposite of the latest efforts to contain the virus.

    “Congratulations Prime Minister and your experts,” Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage quipped on Twitter Saturday. “You have caused the first evacuation of London since 1939.”

    Videos posted on social media showed large crowds at rail stations queuing to escape the area designated as Tier 4 under the UK’s Covid-19 rules. Johnson said earlier on Saturday that those living in the Tier 4 zone – which includes London, the Southeast, and Peterborough in the east – should not mix with anyone outside their own household, effectively cancelling Christmas. Non-essential businesses will be closed from Sunday.

    The crackdown came in response to a new strain of coronavirus that allegedly spreads 70 percent faster, although there’s currently no indication it’s more lethal or more vaccine-resistant than the earlier variant of the virus.

    However, if the goal were to keep the new strain from being spread to other parts of the country, the lockdown may have been ill conceived. The announcement of a midnight Saturday London lockdown gave residents only about eight hours to find a way out of the city.

    Videos on Twitter show massive crowds of travellers trying to flee London, including a long line of people waiting to board the train for Leeds from St Pancras Station.

    The fear propaganda from Johnson and his globalist government is designed to spread the fear and his claimed new virus, this will now give this dystopian dictator the opportunity to claim it is all over England and lock dow again. It’s time to physically remove this government and parliament from power to save our future.

    Nigel Brown replied 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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