Government induced lockdown stress, how can you manage it

  • Government induced lockdown stress, how can you manage it

    Posted by Nigel Brown on 26 November 2020 at 4:31 am

    Stress can have a negative impact on both mind and body – and at this time many of us have reasons to feel stressed by the seemingly draconian actions of governments around the world.

    Stress is a feeling which acts as a signal for attention – like a call for help when things become too much. It’s a reflection of your perceived ability to deal with the circumstances which are causing you stress.

    Why is covid stress worse than usual stress?

    During lockdown the stresses we face takes on a whole new level. Why Is this?

    Basic human needs and stress

    The biggest reason is that there are a number of basic human needs which are significantly removed from us right now:

    Our SafetyOur SecurityOur ConnectionsOur Certainty

    The media propaganda and scaremongering designed to heighten people’s fears, our financial security has been significantly compromised and most people are feeling more stressed by the level of uncertainty: there is no known end in sight and no true understanding of what it will look like when it does end.
    On top of all of that, our routines are disrupted and we are deliberately and callously isolated from people we care about. Having said that, we are beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel, at long last.

    Though it is important to keep up to date, it is hugely helpful to limit media to around 10 minutes a day. Otherwise it fuels anxiety levels. Try and read/watch/do positive things as much as possible. Our mental state has an influence on our immune system so not only will this help your mental health it could help you be immune to the government sponsored Propaganda that is helping to destroy your mental wellbeing.

    Challenge negative thinking

    It’s hard to avoid negative thinking at this time, especially if you are spending time with others who are negative and listening to fake news etc. But negative thinking will not support you. This doesn’t mean to say that you pretend this is not happening, just don’t engage with the negative thoughts. When you spot one, just focus on what you can do about the situation and what you have to be grateful for. It is impossible to be thankful and negative at the same time.

    Reach out to friends and family and share your worries and relieve that stress, in this world there are many friends waiting to share with you and remember, you are never alone.

    Nigel Brown replied 3 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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