89 year old cancer sufferer dies after contacting coronavirus twice

  • 89 year old cancer sufferer dies after contacting coronavirus twice

    Posted by Nino on 13 October 2020 at 3:38 pm

    An 89-year-old Dutch woman is thought to have become the first person in the world to die after getting re-infected with the coronavirus.

    The unidentified woman, who was having cancer treatment at the time, was found to be infected with ‘genetically different’ strains of the virus in two separate episodes, which happened two months apart.

    Whether people can truly become reinfected with Covid-19 remains a mystery and case reports have been shady on details vital to judging what really happened.

    In this case, the woman never tested negative for coronavirus between her first and second times in hospital.

    A negative test would have taken doctors closer to proving that she recovered the first time, and that the second admission was not simply a resurgence of virus with which she was still infected.

    After testing positive for Covid-19 the first time she went to hospital with a fever and a bad cough, the woman’s symptoms disappeared and she went home after five days.

    She then returned to hospital with the same symptoms 59 days later, just two days after starting a new chemotherapy treatment for her lymphoma, which would have wiped her immune system and left her vulnerable to disease. She tested positive for Covid-19 again and died three weeks later.

    As sad as it might sound the lady was 89 years old, no immune system left from chemotherapy and radiation therapy and doctors try to sensationalize her death, have these doctors no shame!

    Nino replied 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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