When Was The Last Time You Cleaned Out Your Fridge?

  • When Was The Last Time You Cleaned Out Your Fridge?

    Posted by summer on 28 September 2020 at 1:18 pm

    Continuing with the recent postings of cleaning the home, imagine what life would be like without a fridge in your home. Think about it.

    Almost everything you’ve come to rely on to nourish your body is stored right there in the fridge. This one appliance not only stores these items, but actually has the ability to extend the longevity of many different types of food and beverages.

    Like all appliances in the home, you still have to clean it out and keep it maintained. This may include a deep clean or just a quick inventory of expired items. Either way, this always starts with the items you are keeping inside of it.

    Lets be honest how many of us have gone to the fridge and thought wow I forgot about that, look at the date and head to the nearest bin before anyone see what you are holding, guilty as charged!

    Despite the prominent role this appliance plays in our daily life, it’s not uncommon to completely neglect to clean it on a regular basis. Perhaps this is because it’s a contained “box” that you want to keep sealed, or maybe nobody wants to do the dirty work.

    Just think that you probably have a whole bunch of items tucked away inside your fridge right now that need to be thrown out.

    Expired Bottles of Condiments

    Let’s start with the obvious, all the condiment bottles that are just loitering around. I think we’re all guilty of keeping unnecessary condiment bottles in the fridge. You never know when you’re gonna need to use that bottle of jalapeno ranch from last summer’s barbecue, right?

    Make it a routine to check the expiration dates to see how much longer your condiments have left. Don’t make it a hassle, just conduct a quick examination of your fridge every once in awhile to see if any of these need to be tossed. After all, how many bottles of ketchup does one home need?

    Moldy Food

    This should really be a no-brainer. If you see anything with mold, get it out of your fridge and throw it away immediately. Yes, including those fuzzy berries tucked away in the back of the fridge.

    The cold temperature merely delays the growth of mold, but will not prevent it entirely. Some foods will fare better than others, but they all go bad at some point. When you can physically see mold growing on your food, then it’s too late. The mold is already rooted in that item, and it needs to be removed from the fridge before it spreads to other items.

    The longer these items stay in your fridge, the more you risk cross-contamination.

    Open Cans

    You may need to refrigerate something when you only used half the can. You should make sure you cover it up with plastic wrap or transfer the contents into a another container before storing it. Open cans cause the contents to dry out. This means the flavor will deteriorate.

    Additionally, the food inside can become contaminated by the aromas and dripping of other items. Cover everything up before putting it inside the fridge, or only buy items that come in resealable bags.

    Slimy & Shriveled Produce

    Leafy greens in a bag know that they don’t stay fresh for very long. Despite your best efforts to extend their shelf-life and keep them crisp, they always wilt sooner than you want. A telltale sign that your leafy veggies have gone bad is that they appear slimy. There is nothing you can do to reverse this. Just toss the bag when you see it.

    Additionally, you should keep an eye on lemons and ginger in your fridge that appear shriveled up. It is not worth it to keep food at this point because it is not going to add anything to a dish.

    Leftovers & Take-Out Containers

    We all have some form of leftovers sitting around. For the most part, these leftovers after dinner and save them for lunch the next day. However, these all need to be consumed within a few days. After that, they need to go.

    The same can be said for any food you ordered-to-go or took home from a restaurant. After a day or two, it’s gonna go bad. That leftover rice from your Chinese takeout is already stale. The bun from your burger is rock hard. It’s not going to taste very good, and it may just make you sick.

    Unknown Meats

    Have you ever had food in your fridge for so long you forgot what it was? It is never safe to eat something that has been in there for that long, so you are better off tossing it. You could try smelling it to see if it is still fresh, but it is safer to simply get more food than risk eating something contaminated.

    Soft Cheeses

    Soft cheese here refers to things like goat cheese and ricotta. Most of the time, these will only last for about a week or so. Fortunately, there are plenty of dishes ricotta works great in, such as sandwiches, dips and pasta sauces. Only buy it when you need it and are prepare to use it in a recipe.

    Ground Beef & Raw Poultry

    The USDA recommends that you store all raw meat at or below 40°F (4.6°C), and consume it within two days of purchasing it.

    After this time, you run the risk of bacterial growth in the meat. Consuming it after this point could get you sick. If you don’t plan on cooking it within this time, put it in the freezer and then thaw it out the day you plan on cooking. If you freeze it correctly, ground beef can last up to four months.

    Baking Soda

    One of the oldest tricks in the book is to leave an open box of baking soda inside your fridge. While it does help absorb all the unpleasant odors lingering, the big mistake that most of us make is leaving it in there for too long.

    If you’re using baking soda to deodorize and freshen up your fridge, you should change it out at least once a month. Some companies even print it out right on the box. Unfortunately, most of us don’t pay much attention to it and let it sit for way too long to be effective any longer.

    It is worth it to clean out your fridge once in a while. You should even temporarily remove everything so that you can adequately wipe down all the shelves. This will keep your fridge running efficiently, and you know everything inside is safe for consumption. It is also nice to avoid being greeted by a petulant smell every time you open the door.

    summer replied 4 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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