Conflict of interest? WHO ‘conspired’ with Italian govt to remove ‘live saving’

  • Conflict of interest? WHO ‘conspired’ with Italian govt to remove ‘live saving’

    Posted by Nigel Brown on 12 December 2020 at 6:25 pm

    Conflict of interest? WHO ‘conspired’ with Italian govt to remove ‘live saving’ report into Covid-19 first response, media claim.

    A World Health Organization report on Italy’s first response to a Covid-19 outbreak, that could have saved lives across the globe, has been taken down by the UN health watchdog, supposedly to appease Rome, media report.

    A key WHO report in the spring detailing anti-Covid measures in the then worst-hit European nation – Italy – has been supposedly taken down to shield the Italian health ministry from criticism since the paper cast some of its actions in a negative light, a fresh report by The Guardian suggests.

    The lengthy report that documented Italy’s Covid-19 response measures in great detail was, nonetheless, pulled down by the WHO itself less than a day after publication. It is still available on some other resources, like a website of one of Italy’s regional medical associations but it apparently did not get widespread circulation following the WHO’s sudden change of heart.

    According to The Guardian, that might have had something to do with Dr Ranieri Guerra, the WHO’s Assistant Director-General for Strategic Initiatives.

    Trust the globalist WHO after their collaboration with China, I would rather strip naked and crawl through broken glass before I would trust this communist organization with safety.

    Nigel Brown replied 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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