16,000 people ordered to evacuate in St. Vincent but only if you had covid jab!

  • 16,000 people ordered to evacuate in St. Vincent but only if you had covid jab!

    Posted by Sarah on 9 April 2021 at 4:01 am

    The government of Caribbean island of St. Vincent has ordered a mass evacuation of the area close to an active volcano, with seismologists saying that an explosive eruption could start “with very little warning.”

    Some 16,000 people living in the vicinity of the La Soufriere volcano in the so-called “red zone” will be evacuated, either to safer parts of the island or to a cruise ship, the authorities announced Thursday. But only those who are vaccinated from the Covid-19 will be allowed to board the ship or be evacuated, the rest will stay and hopefully stay alive.

    While the volcano has shown seismic activity since December 2020, in the past few days it has gone up a notch, prompting fears of an imminent and potentially devastating full-blown eruption.

    Footage posted by the University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) on Thursday evening shows the dome of the volcano glowing and vapour clouds gathering around the summit.

    So now the totalitarian governments are willing to murder people unless they take their poison as instructed, I know what I would be doing to these government representatives and they would not be leaving the island on a boat!

    Sarah replied 3 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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