Big Brother meets Big Tech: Memo reveals military spies can just BUY your data

  • Big Brother meets Big Tech: Memo reveals military spies can just BUY your data

    Posted by Ami on 23 January 2021 at 3:43 am

    Big Brother meets Big Tech: Memo reveals military spies can just BUY personal data with tax money and no need for a warrant.

    Using smartphone information bought from data brokers enabled the US Defense Intelligence Agency to spy on people without a warrant, including some Americans, the DIA admitted in a memo to a senator that’s now been made public.

    The Defense Intelligence Agency focuses on foreign threats, but has searched for movements of American citizens at least five times over the past two and a half years, using cell phone data collected and sold by commercial brokers, according to an unclassified memo sent this week to Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon).

    Makers of many smartphone apps can and do log the users’ locations, which are often sold to brokers – and they, in turn, resell it to advertisers as well as law enforcement and spies, apparently.

    In what is perhaps the most famous example yet, Vice reported in November that US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) had used cutouts to buy data on users of MuslimPro, a prayer schedule app downloaded by some 100 million people.

    DIA did not identify which broker it was buying the data from, saying only that they sold bulk records that did not separate Americans from foreigners. Instead, the military spies filter the records for those that “appear to be” on US soil and place them in a separate database, the Wyden memo revealed. That database can be accessed only with special approval, and has so far been granted five times for “authorized purposes.”

    The memo came in response to a query sent by Chris Soghoian, Wyden’s privacy and cybersecurity aide who previously worked at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as the chief technologist.

    Wyden is interested in the subject because he has proposed additional safeguards on privacy of Americans, which the Oregon senator hopes will be included in the upcoming legislation reviving several provisions of the expired PATRIOT Act.

    The previous attempt to do so stalled in the divided Congress due in part to objections from President Donald Trump, who cited the abuse of FISA warrants to spy on his campaign to demand changes – which neither Democrats nor his own Republicans were willing to make.

    Ami replied 3 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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